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I was born in Portomaggiore (Fe), I live and work in Bologna. I have been teaching singing privately since 2013. I taught singing and ensemble music at the Chiavi d'Ascolto Music School (Bologna) from 2013 to 2019. I held introductory vocal groups at the Polyphonic Choral Santa Rita (Bologna, dir. M ° Cristian Gentilini) and Vocal Technique for Dancers at Selene Centro Studi (Bologna, directed by Roberta Zerbini). I was enrolled in the SIAE from 2008 to 2019 as a composer and author and I took part in various songwriting competitions.


My last work is the EP Victimae, five compositions for overdubbed voices and percussion. I developed - in collaboration with Enrico Terrinoni-  the project "Chamber music", dedicated to the setting to music of the homonymous book of poems written by James Joyce. I made two releases of this project: SognoCapelliAcqua - Chamber Music vol.1-(2022),and Five Songs by John Dowland - Chamber Music vol.2-(2023). The work was previewed in Imola in May 2023, in collaboration with Andrea Pagani.


Other recording works that I have made are "E La Nave va "(CD, 2019), songwriting project e Momenti(2017) a first work of vocal and compositional experimentation. 


I have sang from 2016 to 2022 as a tenor in the Coro Euridice, directed by Pier Paolo Scattolin,  with which I registered "Suoni e Rime Sparsi" (CD Tactus, 2021), "Un Altro Orfeo" (DVD 2019),"Trenodia"(CD Tactus, 2018).


I studied:

  • Gregorian chant at AERCO (2020/2021) and with Federica di Leonardo (Bologna, 2016);

  • Classical Guitar, Music Theory, Solfeggio, Harmony with  Paolo Ingrosso (Bologna, 2006 - 2015);

  • Vocal Technique  with Miguel Angel Curti Bologna (Bologna 2003-2011); 

  • Modern Singing with Monica Sersale (Civic Schools, Milan 1995-1998);

  • I have dedicated myself to different practices to gain awareness of the relationship between the body  and expression such as Contemporary Dance, Yoga, Theater and Bioenergetics


Graduated in Political Economics at the L. Bocconi University in 2000 with honors, I obtained a PhD in Law and Economics  at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in 2005.  Before devoting myself to teaching singing, I worked from 2002 to 2012 as a freelancer in the field of business consultancy for non-profit and cooperative organizations. 

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